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At first, it is a bit difficult to believe that there are free cell phones. Yes, there are certain companies that offer free cell phones to less-fortunate citizens. One of them is ReachOut Wireless.  This compassionate company is one of the largest free government mobile carriers. It is one of the companies that offer lifeline assistance to families with low-income as well as senior citizens.  ReachOut Wireless is available in 18 states.  If you want to get a free cell phone, just check if there is ReachOut Wireless is available in your place.

ReachOut Wireless offers two kinds of call plans. You may choose between a plan with 125 minutes worth of calls and a plan with 250 free minutes. Aside from the free cell phone minutes, this company also offers other features such as call-forwarding, three-way calling, call waiting, caller ID as well as international long distance.

There are actually three basic ReachOut Wireless plans to choose from. All of these plans are completely for free. First basic cell phone plan has 68 cell phone minutes as well as incoming and outgoing texts that are charged 0.3 minutes.  The second basic cell phone plan has 125 worth of free cell phone minutes. It also has incoming and outgoing text service and is charged one minute. The last basic plan has 250 free call minutes and just like with the second basic plan, it also has incoming and outgoing text services that are charged one minute.

The unused minutes from the three basic plans will rollover every month. Anyone who has a free cell phone from ReachOut Wireless also has the option to have feature-enriched models as well as extra services, but they have to pay additional fees. Through free cell phones from ReachOut Wireless, people can stay in touch with their love ones, at no cost.

You want to have a cell phone but you know you can’t afford to have one. This is not a problem anymore as you can get your very own cell phone without paying anything and that is through a company name Assurance Wireless. The company has been giving free cell phone to the qualifying applicants for years now. Their program extends now that they are having a partnership with Virgin Mobile. These days, it’s hard to move around without a cell phone. Cell phones lets you stay in contact with your friends, co workers and family members. It enables you to stay in the loop. But sometimes, due to financial difficulties, we end up losing our cell phone plans. Fortunately, this is not the case today. You want a cell phone? Go get your assurance wireless application now.

However, you need to address the basic requirements for applying for it first. Did you consider yourself as one of those individuals that has a low income – The one that makes you incapable of paying your monthly phone bills? If so, then you are good to submit your assurance wireless application. When you submit, make sure that you comply with the requirements such as providing your personal information along with the proofs of your income for the last few months. That way, the Lifeline Program will review your application and you will have higher chance to get an approval.

When you get your cell phone from Assurance Wireless, you will notice the features and services include on it such as free voicemail, call waiting and of course, the 250 minutes free phone call every month. If you feel like you still want for more, you can simply add extra services. For example, you can upgrade your free phone calls – from 250 minutes to 500 minutes per month all in a handsome price of $5. Now, isn’t it amazing? So, grab your assurance wireless application today and submit it as soon as possible.